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Desensitization? [Mailbag]

Some have the idea that desensitization is good for sex.

It may allow some guys to last longer, but if you want to be devoid of pleasure and sensual stimuli during lovemaking, you’re just missing the point of sex entirely.

It’s like chugging down tons of unhealthy caffeine and sugar for energy instead of creating better sleeping habits and eating the right foods. 

And, of course… Too much desensitization just makes sex bland. 

What should you do when desensitized to the warm, juicy, lovely sensations of intimacy with your lover? 

Though this email details the budget options to the outrageous luxury of men’s sensitivity, women suffer from sensation loss equally as much. I’ve also included solutions for women. Read this if you are feeling less pleasure than you used to.

“Dear Susan,

I recently gave up porn cold turkey when I realized that desensitization might be part of my current issue. What can you tell me about sensation loss in my member?” — Steven (not his real name)

Tim Suz Flow


Hi, Steven,

I am glad you gave up porn. It’s somebody else’s plan for your life. Better to use your fantasy and to spend the time you would have used watching porn to flirt and meet prospective lovers or give your woman full-body massages.

Desensitization affects all men and women as we age. You may not feel you’re getting as tumescent (full of blood in your genitals). You may experience less pleasure. You may notice it is harder to achieve climax. You may see the orgasms don’t feel as good as they used to.

As you age, your body gets less blood flow, the tissue atrophies, and your nerves begin to recede… it sucks! However, there are some easy things you can do. The solutions I outline in this email range from simple and low-budget (but still highly effective) to outrageous luxury.

A lot of desensitization stems simply from a lack of blood flow. When the blood can’t travel to the genitals, the nerves also retract. 

That’s why we built our business with our FLOW Nitric Oxide supplement as the foundation. 

FLOW is made from organic fruits and vegetables that increase your body’s ability to send blood to your genitals (as well as your fingers, toes, head, and heart).


As we age, our Nitric Oxide levels diminish. We simply can’t get blood through our capillary system as we did in our youth.

Some people experience heavy legs, brain fog, memory loss, lack of concentration, muscle cramps, high blood pressure, tingly fingers, restless legs, cold hands and feet, swollen ankles, digestive issues, joints, and muscles cramping, fatigue, changes in skin color, ulcers in the legs or feet, varicose veins, loss of erection, less sensation in their genitals, even a lack of vaginal lubrication—blood flow matters for so many functions! Many issues happen because of diminished eNOS signaling, especially atherosclerotic coronary and cerebral artery disease from hypertension.

Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is where your blood vessels generally have tone, relax, and the blood flows. When eNOS signaling is impaired, our vasodilation is diminished. This means less sensation or desensitization of the genitals, among other things.

As your hormone production declines with age, your ability to produce nitric oxide for vasodilation diminishes. Giving your body either arginine or citrulline is the fuel that makes nitric oxide.

Many people are bothered by arginine—it exacerbates herpes and is hard on the liver. The renal system converts citrulline and arginine, which your body then uses to get the blood to flow more efficiently.

The more blood flow you have to your genitals, the more sensation you experience. Would you be willing to try FLOW for 90 days and your no-porn diet to see if your feeling improves?

Up To 33% OFF On FLOW ⇐ 3 Bottles Every 3 Months Option (plus FREE Shipping for US-based orders over $50 or International Orders over $75)

The combination of reverting to fantasy rather than porn, along with the vasodilator of FLOW, should be a significant improvement.

The other things you can stack onto these two foundational strategies include (from least expensive to most expensive) using a penis pump every other day to stimulate the new nerves, blood vessels, and tissue growth in your penis.

The Whopper is the ONLY “vacuum erection device” I recommend, and nearly 1,500 men who follow me are pumping for increased pleasure, tissue growth, enlargement, and reverse erectile dysfunction.

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And for the cherry on top of the cake, add a PRP shot to your penis renovation plan. PRP contains healing factors from your blood added to your penis tissue. It also regenerates tissue, including nerve tissue, for enhanced sensitivity and function.

And if you have plenty of cash for treatments, the gold standard is stem cells in the penile tissue. You can do this in a couple of ways: exogenous mesenchymal stem cells or stem cells harvested from your bone marrow, such as state-of-the-art Caverstem from Switzerland, which uses posterior iliac crest bone harvesting, or from your adipose tissue and injected into your penis.

Reply to my email, and I will tell you who I recommend — there are only a couple of people I’d trust with this, and I know who has the best price for the treatment.

Let me know your further questions.

How excellent is regenerative sexual medicine? OMG!

Remember to do the simplest thing. Start taking my organic FLOW nitric oxide supplement.

Up To 33% OFF On FLOW ⇐ 3 Bottles Every 3 Months Option (plus FREE Shipping for US-based orders over $50 or International Orders over $75)

Susan Magi Statue

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